Story Pacing: What Is It and How Does It Influence Your Writing?
In writing, pacing refers to how quickly you reveal and explore information (and to readers, how quickly the story feels like it’s...
GRAMMAR SERIES: Commonly misused phrases
In our last article, we talked about some commonly misused words and how to use them correctly. Today, we’ll be discussing phrases that...
Four Tips to Help You Master Deep POV
Much of the writing I do is very character-driven. Therefore, my goal is that readers will connect with my protagonist. I want my...
Five Pieces of Writing Advice to Take With a Grain of Salt
Writing advice is abundant. There will always be bloggers, writers, Youtubers, podcasters, etc. who will try to bombard you with writing...
GRAMMAR SERIES: Commonly misused words
Today, in the first of a two-article grammar series, we'll break down some commonly misused words. Words can be used incorrectly when...
The Power of Critique Partners and Beta Readers
Over the past couple of months we've discussed extensively how to edit your work, questions you should ask during your first...
How to Decide Whether to Keep a Scene
One of the best pieces of advice you'll hear is this: to be an excellent writer, you must first learn to kill your darlings. Most writers...
Tips for Self-Editing Your Novel
Self-editing is the hardest part of the novel-writing process for most of us, but it's one you can't afford to skip if you want to become...